HOA 101
HOA 101
There is much to enjoy while living in a Homeowners Association (HOA), and we hope it will be a positive experience for you. For some, this is a new concept, while others may have lived in similar neighborhoods. By understanding the purpose of the HOA, we can all work together to maintain the integrity of our community and enhance the quality of living for you and your neighbors.
What do I need to know about a Homeowners Association?
- The Association is a mandatory, nonprofit corporation.
- A Board of Directors governs the Association and operates under the Arizona State Statutes and the governing documents which establish the Association.
- The purpose of the Association is to preserve the community's home and property values through its governing documents.
- The Association provides for the maintenance, improvement, preservation, and administration of the common areas.
What are the Governing Documents?
- The Governing Documents include the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs), the Recorded Plat, Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Design Guidelines, Rules and Regulations, and other policies, as adopted by the Board of Directors.
- These documents establish the architectural standards and the rules which govern the use of property within the community. You are encouraged to read them and understand your role as the homeowner.
- The CC&Rs are set up to protect your rights as a property owner. They are important rules governing your responsibilities as a member of the Association.
- The CC&Rs make living in harmony convenient and easy for all involved. The architectural provisions and guidelines are set up so as not to stifle your creativity, but rather to ensure that the integrity of the original community design is preserved.